Saturday 9 May 2015

UK Election 2015 - Tories Rule

Despite all predictions, the Conservative Party pulled off a huge victory in Thursday’s national election and won a majority in Parliament for the first time since 1992 (meaning they won’t have to share power in a coalition government).  Although most Scots were disappointed to see David Cameron remain in office, the Scottish National Party came away with an incredible show of strength, winning all but one contest for a total of 56 seats. As The Guardian observed, “Although Scotland may look as it did the day before, it has become a very different country, a psychological change has taken place, part of a process that began with the referendum and was reinforced by the Scottish National Party’s sweeping general election triumph. The thought of independence is no longer scary.”  Besides Cameron and the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon, there was one other big winner in the vote: A Glasgow pensioner had bet £30,000 (in small bills) that the Conservatives would win a majority. The bookies paid £210,000 on that wager!

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