Thursday 12 March 2015

From Prehistory Through the Centuries

The final leg of our three-day tour took us to Inverness, the capital of the Highlands, and then down to Culloden, where Scottish Highlanders led by Bonnie Prince Charlie were routed by the British in 1746. A beautiful new visitors’ center overlooks the hallowed battlefield, the jutting stones of the façade representing the 2,000 fallen soldiers on both sides, killed in a bloody one-hour battle. Tucked away just a few miles from Culloden is a remarkable, Neolithic burial site that’s 3,000–4,000 years old that looks very much like a contemporary Andy Goldsworthy sculpture. As impressive as these sights were, our fellow passengers (a group of five IT workers from India who were just completing a training course in London) were most entranced by the snow in a ski-area carpark. It was their first encounter with snow and they took no time in pelting each other with handfuls of the stuff.   

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