Sunday 1 March 2015

Local Pubs...It's Cultural Research...Honest!

Wee Chip                                       Oran Mor                                                      Belle                                                      Pot Still                         


Pubs…..central to community life in the UK.  Our English friends tell us that Scottish pubs are different from those down south. In England, pubs are for everyone but older pubs in Glasgow primarily attract men, standing and drinking with their mates. Newer pubs are a bit different with men and women hunkering down at tables for a few hours. We’ve managed to explore a few, each with a different character, though we imagine we’ll need to continue to do “research”! In our explorations, we’ve generally encountered warm wood interiors, usually with mismatched furniture and wall(s) of whiskys. Our neighborhood pubs include large ones like Oran Mor, a former church, and tiny places like the Wee Pub at the Chip (longest name for the smallest pub in Scotland).  The Pot Still is older than Portland and is legendary for its collection of whiskys. Wandered into the crowded Ben Nevis one Friday evening searching for some Celtic music (too early) but wound up sharing a table with Colin and Ray, two pensioners who are regulars. Friendly conversation ensued, even to the point of friendly arguments. I kidded Colin about the differences between Glasgow and Edinburgh and when I told him Portland had more breweries than Glasgow he countered with, “You bastards!”

Ben Nevis

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