Tuesday 3 March 2015

Irn-Bru, A National Drink

IRN-BRU (the Scottish fond abbreviation for Iron Brew) is the second national drink of Scotland after whisky. The beloved beverage is bright orange, slightly ginger-flavored, and very, very sweet—kind of like liquid bubble gum. Quirky and oftentimes risqué marketing helps keep it the best-selling carbonated soft drink not only in Scotland, but also in the whole UK. In one recent news article about Scottish commandments, #2 was drink an IRN-BRU to cure a hangover and #3 was to turn a supermarket upside down to find the IRN-BRU with your own tartan (57 different tartans are printed on various labels). Definitely an acquired taste - Nae for us.

1 comment:

  1. I've read about this in the numerous Scottish-based novels I read. It sounds awful indeed!
