Friday 20 March 2015

Round and Round via the Clockwork Orange

Not having a car hasn’t been a problem for us. Almost daily, we hop aboard the Clockwork Orange, Glasgow’s tiny, 117-year-old subway system, the world's third oldest. It’s so named because of the tangerine-colored cars and station graphics and the simple circular route. Making the 15-station entire circuit (either via the inner route, which travels clockwise, or the outer ring, which goes anticlockwise) takes 24 minutes. It works for us and for about 13 million other people a year. Our favorite part is how the operator sticks his head out the window at each stop to make sure everyone is on board before shutting the doors; he/she will even wait for commuters hurrying down the stairs to the platform. The Lilliputian system makes London's tube system spacious in comparison.

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